Sophie Module

The sophie module is used to provide convenient CLI script launcher framework

# Import the typing library so variables can be type cast
from typing import List

# Import the sys for args
import sys

# Import the Sophie launcher system needed
from ewccommons import sophie

def cli_argument_handler(
    opts: List,
    args: List,
    show_usage_help: sophie._TNGN_,
    show_version: sophie._TNGN_,
) -> sophie._CLI_Arg_Handled_:
    """Define a function handle the processing of cli arguments"""
    my_arg: str = None
    opt: str
    arg: str
    for opt, arg in opts:
        if opt in ("-h", "--help"):
            # Just show the usage help & halt
        elif opt in ("-v", "--version"):
            # Just show the version & halt
        elif opt == "--my_arg":
            # Assign the my_arg value
            my_arg = arg
    return my_arg, args

def help_text() -> str:
    """Define a function to generate the help text to display"""
    return "\n".join(
            "Dynamically invoked help from show_usage_help() call",
            "  -h --help (Show this help)",
            "  -v --version (Show version)",
            "  --my_arg <my-arg-value>",

# With most of the setup done above, let's start creating the launcher
# Define the returned object variables for use
my_app: sophie.SophieLauncher = None
usage: sophie.CLIUsageHandler = None
# Create a new launcher based on the settings provided
my_app, usage = launcher(
    # This doesn't need to be an instance of the usage handler
    # Just a reference to a variable that matches the CLIUsageHandler
    # The handler is created internally based of the settings provided
    # Name the script
    app_name="My New Script",
    # Set the script version, defaults to the version of the sophie launcher
    # Set any short CLI argument option names.
    # These are a string of single character values for the option names
    # Characters immediately followed with a : (colon) will expect a value
    # E.G. f: would expect -f=<value> or -f <value>
    # Let's just use the inbuilt functionality to show help & version
    # Set any long CLI argument option names
    # Options with immediately followed with a = (equals) will expect a value
    # E.G. my_arg= would expect -my_arg=<value> or -my_arg <value>
    # Let's include the inbuilt functionality to show help & version
    # Let's also add a option of our own that expects user supplied value
    long_options=["help", "version", "my_arg="],
    # This is the script help text
    # Displayed when show_usage_help() is invoked from sophie._CLI_Arg_Handler_
    # Acessible as a string through the returned CLIUsageHandler usage object
    # Also accessible a string via SophieLauncher with app name & version included
    # N.B.
    # This doesn't have to be a callback as long as it can be converted to string
# Example of the help_text option in use
# my_app.show_usage_help()

# Let's have a look at what we got
    "Let's have a look:",
# Define the usage & types of variables returned from the launch
my_arg: str
# Launch the script using the cli_argument_handler function to process the CLI options
my_arg, args = my_app.launch(cli_argument_handler)
# Lets have a look at what came back
print(my_arg, args, sep="\n")